E-Gas System
Owner Muvunyi Nicolas
Location Remera, Kigali in Rwanda
Membership Green - kLab Tenant
Nowadays constant usage of Flames (Ibicanwa) especially in cities mostly people in their home use Gases as basic usefully material used to cook, in past mostly people were used wood and charcoal (amakara), But as was discovered by exporter that it damaged climate and environments so much and if its continuously may affect lives of people, that is why Gases comes as good answer for that problem and save our lives as well as. But also the Gases it’s still have obstacles for its managements and distribution for clients. For this reason, an effective system is to be designed to make easy of the issue of Gases distribution amongst indigenes within the country. The E-Gas system is web-based application that permits users to check the available shop in the location client located, purchase the Gases of different categories and pay that Gas online.