What is kLab?(kLab Pre-orientation Program Briefing)
Venue kLab Telecom House 6th Floor
Date June 09th, 2016
Time 5:30 p.m. (60 minutes)

kLab is to soon introduce the kLab orientation Program of recruiting new tenants with ideas that are to be turned into products for these last 2 quarters of the year remaining.

However before the orientation program starts, it professionally recommended the new entrants at kLab to be briefed what kLab is and what kLab is not. What expectations can one have while being a kLab member? What does the kLab management and kLab board expect from a new kLab tenant? How about the 7 steps/paths to graduate from kLab?

This pre-orientation briefing intends to broadly explain in depth how kLab works at internal operational level (dealing with tenants). Are you curious to know much about kLab? Everyone is welcome

Do not miss this out.