Mob App Ideation Pitching Competition | |
Venue | kLab- 6th Floor Telecom House |
Date | May 28th, 2015 |
Time | 10 a.m. (120 minutes) |
In the recent 2 years,kLab has been a birthplace of practical IT-based solutions that have revolutionized the functioning of various sectors in our country in Rwanda.However, in order to skyrocket the constant spirit of thinking about and developing practical IT- based solutions that are applicable to our society,creating paramount competitions is key.
kLab introduces a first of its kind MobileAPP Ideation Pitch Competition:an open challenge that brings together young minds to come up with MobileApp based innovations that solve the pressing problems in our country.
The premium competition event is scheduled to take place on 28th May 2014 starting from 10am-12:pm in kLab. Our 18 pre-graduates university students will be given 5 minutes to demonstrate prototype Apps in front of experinced jury that is to select the top 3 most groundbreaking Apps(winners).
The top 3 winners will be prized tremendously.
You are all welcome to attend.
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