Dreams To Reality
Venue kLab
Date September 04th, 2014
Time 5:30 p.m. (60 minutes)

kLab and Educat invite you to hear about real life as an ICT Entrepreneur, presented by Richard Linberg. Educat and kLab will also be presenting how htey can help you strengthen your business, and at the end there will be time for Q&A.

Richard Lindberg is a serial Entrepreneur from Sweden now based in London, who will offer personal reflections and concrete tips for success base on his entrepreneurship journey. How to from a two man ICT startup to a venture capita backed company with offices around the world, working with the biggest telecom companies. Hear about successes and failures and how Richard transitioned to becoming a social entrepreneur working for a more responsible and positive impact economy. kLab and Educat hope this talk will provide everyone there with crucial information about how to start-up and succeed. Hope to see you around.